Online Testing.
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iSTARTOnline offers secure and efficient international school-aged student assessment testing. iSTARTOnline uses the EDUTEST test platform as one of the tests delivered to overseas students wishing to enter into an Australian, New Zealand, U.S.A. or United Kingdom school.
iSTARTOnline is a smart solution for testing international school-aged students ages 11yrs to 18 yrs worldwide.
We are proud to be partnered with EDUTEST - a trusted, reputable and well-known test which has been delivering testing solutions for Australian Government and Independent (private) schools since 2006.
The iSTARTOnline ASSESSMENT, is delivered according to the current year level of the student being tested. iSTARTOnline assesses RAW abiliy for EAL/D (ESL). The assessment report will actually indicate to a school strong and weak areas of the student's English ability. For example the report segregates each testing area and provides individual percentage results in for example: 'extended text', 'vocabulary in context', 'word replacement', 'prepositions', 'vowel sounds', 'verbs/phrasal verbs', 'homophones and adverbs' and more...
As well, an iSTARTOnline ASSESSOR personally interviews the student to assess speaking/listening ability (this is a recorded interview and provided to the school in the iSTARTOnline Assessment Report) and as well, supervises the WRITTEN assessment component.
In Mathematics and Non-Verbal ability assessments, results are indicated against comparative normed data collected from Edutest, in testing the same aged students currently studying in hundreds of schools. This provides schools an assessment which in every segment of mathematics ie algebra, logarithms, fractions, and so on - an 'above norm', 'at norm' or 'below norm' result. This allows school faculty to be able to focus on weaknesses in these areas.
Should a student be able to attend a school, the school itself may wish to conduct the speaking/listening interview and supervise the student's written ability. Simply advise iSTARTOnline about this preference.
Proctored testing.
Firstly, our ONLINE testing offers high-level security and integrity. It is NOT paper-based. Following the teset being completed there is no paper questionnaire being handled by anyone! This means no risk of any incorrect answers being corrected by third-parties. Our online assessment test sends results immediately to our servers as a student completes each question. This is much more secure than paper-based testing.
The iSTARTOnline assessment test is fully PROCTORED throughout. The student is monitored and breaches recorded and reported on. For example our sophisticated proctoring software captures the student's movements if they leave their desk, leave the room, if anyone speaks to them, if anyone is in the room with them, if they use a dictionary/calculator when not permitted to do so, if they browse an internet page or use their mobile phone. Everything is captured, recorded and reported back to the Assessors. Rules of testing are clearly set out for each student/parent - and any breaches will be checked and if deemed that a student has cheated, no report is issued. The student will need to resit another assessment, and pay for another assessment.
Following the completion or the timing-out of the online test, whichever comes first, it is not possible for the test pages to be reopened. The results of the test is already in the hands of the marking servers, and assessors will additionally then analyse, check proctoring reports, and create a written report. The ASSESSOR following the online test will then personally conduct an oral/aural assessment - speaking with the student (recorded interview) and supervising the studen undertaking the written test.
Agents and schools are able to register students to undertake this test.
Sample Report
Every student's report is different. No standard paragraphs are inserted. Every report is prepared by an Assessor. The data populated by the Edutest and iSTARTOnline platforms. The reports are thorough and detailed. The reports make a suggestion in regard to how many weeks of a high school preparation English course a student should undertake (if any) prior to commencement. The report also indicates at what Stanine level is achieving as well as graded against EAL/D National Scales. A school's EAL/English faculty are provided a detail overview of each student's ability, strengths and weaknesses.
TWO REPORTS ARE ISSUED: The ASSESSOR detailed report and a full DIAGNOSTIC report.
Practice Tests.
Practice Tests are available. Go to this link:
Following a student completing their online test, an ASSESSOR will ZOOM with the student to undertake an INTERVIEW and supervise the WRITTEN test. Students/Families and if involved/nominated the education agent and school will be issued a full and detailed Assessment Report within 10 working days.
There are no 'testing centres', and therefore the risk of third-parties being involved and handling marked tests is eliminated. Students are not faced with having to wait for weeks or sometimes over a month, to be tested, because a 'test centre' is 'booked out' until then. The iSTARTOnline-Edutest is immediate. Once a student is registered for testing - choosing their own day for the online test and their own time for the interview with the Assessor - the can commence the test within 3 days of them registering. Families, education agents, schools receive reports promptly. Schools can make decisions on pathways for a student's acceptance without delay, without waiting for at times over a month for an assessment report.
Questions are year level relevant. This means students are tested at their current year level of study - not the year level into which they are entering in a year's time. This is important, because a student may not have covered curriculum of a higher year level as yet in their overseas school. It is important to test a student's ability at their current year level. The exception to this would be if a student is entering within the next few months into a higher year level - in that case, testing will be at the higher year level. It is all relevant.
iSTARTOnline - a smart service solution for testing overseas students wishing to enter into schools. Tests used may differ according to country, curriculum requirements and normed comparative data needs.
Test Format
What is the format of the iSTARTOnline-Edutest Assessment. Go to this link to learn more:
Subscribe - it's FREE
SUBSCRIPTION FOR AGENTS AND SCHOOLS IS FREE - Subscription to iSTARTOnline provides agents and schools access to the secure areas of this website which enables an Agent or School to:
1. Register a Student for testing;
2. Download Instruction Guides for registering a student and supervising the test;
3. View example reports and download the 'Interpretation sheet for reports'.
STUDENTS or FAMILIES are unable to subscribe or register themselves - this must be undertaken by a SCHOOL or AGENT to ensure the security and integrity of registering, conducting and supervising testing. Once subscribed you will receive within 24 hours your SCHOOL or AGENT User ID and Password to gain access to the secure areas where you login using the buttons at right >>>>>
iSTARTOnline uses the Edutest as part of its testing procedures for overseas students wishing to enter into an Australian or New Zealand school. iSTARTOnline will soon publish the test which will be used for United Kingdom school entry.