edutest brochure cover
iSTARTOnline has created a great solution for schools by providing an alternative test to assess international school-aged students wishing to enter into an Australian school.

The iSTARTOnline ASSESSORS are trained professionals and conduct interviews with each student as well as supervise the written assessment test via ZOOM.


Ability tests are designed to measure a child's ability to think, reason and solve problems, without necessarily relying on prior knowledge. Ability generally predicts how quickly a child will be able to learn and the level of complexity that they can comfortably deal with.

1.Verbal Reasoning

Measures the ability to think and reason using words and language. This includes vocabulary, word relationships, classification and deduction.

2.Numerical Reasoning

Measures the ability to think and reason using numbers. This includes series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deduction.


Achievement tests are designed to measure actual achievement or performance in some key academic areas. Achievement scores are influenced by a child's ability, as well as the application and practise of knowledge that has been learned.

3. Reading Comprehension

Measures the capacity to read and interpret meaning from written passages, as well as correct, complete and punctuate sentences.

4. Mathematics

Measures year-level appropriate mathematical knowledge, including items tapping numbers, measurement, algebra, space and data.

5. Written Expression

This is a creative writing test that assesses the ability to convey ideas clearly in written form. Punctuation, creativity, construction, grammar, spelling and relevance to the task are assessed.





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Read the EDUTEST Brochure



iSTARTOnline in partnership with Edutest provide PRACTICE TESTS available for purchase.   Practie tests expire 3 months from date of purchase, after this time they cannot be accessed.
We recommend that students attempt practice tests at their CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR LEVEL (this means that if you are in school NOW studying at Year 7 level - you would ensure you choose a Year 7 level practice test.

You can however select any year level you like for a practice test. If your child has already completed all tests at their current year level, you may wish to select tests at a higher level.

Important Information The practice tests, for current students in years 4-11, give students an idea of the style and format of questions that they will encounter on the day of their assessment test with iSTARTOnline, but not necessarily the level of difficulty that the actual assessment will present. The practice tests only have 20 questions per sub-test, while the actual iSTARTOnline-Edutest Assessment tests are more detailed with each component containing between 40 and 60 questions, with varying degrees of difficulty.

Online practice tests are available for students who are currently in years 4-11. Younger students may find benefit in accessing year 4 practice tests as preparation for an examination.

NOTE: There are only 3 sets of practice tests for Year levels 4, 5 and 8 - 11, and 6 sets at Years 6 and 7. It is possible to repeat these tests, however the content will not change. No refund will be given should you choose to repeat a test that has already been completed.


iSTARTOnline, in selecting a test, needed a test that was trusted and reputable. It is recognised by iSTARTOnline that security and integrity is of utmost importance to schools. EVERY test is PROCTORED. The student is monitored throughout the testing, every movement, sound, environment of testing, CAPTURED by our PROCTORING software. Written Expression assessment is LIVE SUPERVISED by an iSTARTOnline ASSESSOR prior to a RECORDED Interview being undertaken via ZOOM.

For parents and students

What is the actual test? The test used by iSTARTOnline for the Australian schools assessment of international students is the Edutest.

Edutest has been conducting scholarship and entrance examination testing of Australian students for Australian schools since 2006. EDUTEST assessors are involved in providing raw test data and written test assessment. This data is then passed to iSTARTOnline for further assessment, report preparation, recommendation of weeks for English high school preparation course (if applicable). iSTARTOnline conducts the speaking/listening assessment interviews.





The practice tests cover the following four sub-tests:
-  Verbal Reasoning
-  Numerical Reasoning
-  Reading Comprehension
-  Mathematics

The IStartonline Assessment test, partially conducted by Edutest, and partially by iSTARTOnline comprises a number of compenonents as noted above, all of which are multiple choice question selections. Under each component there are approx. 40-60 questions. It is common for students NOT to finish answering all questions. This should not be of a concern, the tests are designed in this way.

The Ability tests

Ability tests are designed to measure a child's ability to think, reason and solve problems, without necessarily relying on prior knowledge. Ability generally predicts how quickly a child will be able to learn and the level of complexity that they can comfortably deal with.
1. Verbal Reasoning 30 minutes long Multiple choice format Measures the ability to think and reason using words and language. This includes vocabulary, word relationships, classification and deduction.
2. Numerical Reasoning 30 minutes long Multiple choice format Measures the ability to think and reason using numbers. This includes series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deduction.

Achievement Tests

Achievement Tests Achievement tests are designed to measure actual achievement or performance in some key academic areas. Achievement scores are influenced by a child's ability, as well as the application and practise of knowledge that has been learned.
3. Reading Comprehension 30 minutes long Measures the capacity to read and interpret meaning from written passages, as well as correct, complete and punctuate sentences.
4. Mathematics 30 minutes long Measures year-level appropriate mathematical knowledge, including items tapping numbers, measurement, algebra, space and data.
5. Written Expression 15 minutes long This test assesses the ability to convey ideas clearly in written form. Punctuation, creativity, construction, grammar, spelling and relevance to the task are assessed. This will be supervised via ZOOM by the iSTARTOnline Assessor prior to interview.
6. Interview: iStartOnline ASSESSOR will supervise the written essay test, and thereafter will conduct an Interview with the Student - speaking/listening assessment.

The assessment of an international student wishing to enter into an Australian, New Zealand, United States or United Kingdom school is to enable the School to assist with appropriate support pathway language bridging courses prior to mainstream class entry, or to enable the School to more accurately determine appropriate class levels for mathematics for example. It is not a pass/fail test - it is an assessment.

International student online testing has been carefully developed in consideration that students undertaking this test are from nationalities where english is not the the first language. Parents and students should not feel anxious about the online testing process.

Read more about the testing